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By ordering this Faith University Wristband & Certificate you acknowledge that you have listened to/watched all Faith University teachings.*

Limit one Wristband and Certificate per person.*


Dear Friends,

You are about to embark on an exciting and transformative journey at Faith University! Over the next seven weeks, we will dive into seven powerful passages from the Bible that illuminate and define our faith. These scriptures will profoundly impact your walk with Jesus, opening new doors of spiritual growth and understanding never previously imagined.
Our tagline, "Where every step is a leap of faith," captures what we aim to achieve at Faith University. Each week, as you explore the lives of biblical characters who demonstrated remarkable faith, you will be challenged to take bold steps in your faith journey.

I strongly encourage you to commit to all seven weeks. Bring your Bibles, take diligent notes, and be ready to put your faith into action. If you engage fully in this series, you will have the incredible opportunity to be part of the first graduating class of Faith University. We will celebrate your commitment and growth on the weekend of August 17-18.

God is poised to move in mighty ways over the next seven weeks. I pray this series will strengthen your faith and empower you to make an eternal impact in the lives of those with whom you will share Jesus.
Walking in faith with you,
Dale Oquist
Senior Pastor, Peoples Church



Download your commitment card below to keep track of each message in the Faith University series. Watch all seven sermons to receive a diploma at our graduation ceremony on
August 17 or 18.

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